A united and well- resourcedleading Ministry in the provision of quality services to its clients and stakeholders in accordance with domestic, regional and International standards by 2018.”fas
“To promote and facilitate employment opportunities, labour market driven skills development, harmonious labour relations, social security, social justice, healthy and safe working conditions, efficient disputes prevention, resolution and adjudication throughSocialDialogue and Tripartism in adherence to International and Domestic Labour Standards.”
Core Values
The core values are a set of values that will act as guiding principles around how the Ministry will operate as per the participants’ presentations have an ethical or moral foundation. They will also help in identifying and developing relationships with current and future stakeholders.
Below is a list of core values in order of total times the value appeared in the Groups’ presentations at the Strategic Planning Workshop:
i. Transparency
We have an open door policy.
We build the trust of clients, stakeholders and the public by reporting regularly on what we are doing and how we are using the resources entrusted to us. Clear to all stakeholders; two-way communication.
ii. Accountability
Accountability means the ability to know and make known to all stakeholders of how assets including money are managed; and connecting performance with consequence.
iii. Integrity
Integrity- whole; Operating with honesty so that the whole organization operates as a unit; taking actions, not based on expediency, but because they are the right thing to do; zero tolerance to corruption and other social ills.
iv. Professionalism
We will carry out our activities and work according to set international, regional and domestic standards and ethics; transparency in recruitment, staff development and capacity building; moving the organization forward by anticipating, rather than reacting to changing times; striving to deliver value to the client/ stakeholder; Continuous improvement of our operations to provide quality services.
v. Equity
Equity means valuing diversity in experiences, backgrounds and points of view; accomplishing more together than could be achieved alone; qualified staff engaged even if socially disadvantaged; and the participation of all stakeholders in activities and Boards of the Ministry without any discrimination.
vi. Commitment/dedication
Commitment of all staff members in the Ministry requires a strong attachment to our vision and mission i.e. following an issue through to the end.
vii. Innovation
Welcome new ideas and opportunities for improvement.